Showing posts with label Advertising and Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advertising and Marketing. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Value Of SMS Text Marketing

English: Author: Redvers. Two "welcome&qu...
English: Author: Redvers. Two "welcome" messages received via SMS text messaging. T-Mobile welcomes Proximus to the United Kingdom; BASE welcomes Orange subscribers to Belgium. Both are Nokia phones, but the picture was taken with another brand of mobile phone camera. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Whether you run a for-profit business looking to increase sales, or represent an organization that simply wants to be able to reach your members quickly and affordable text marketing is the perfect solution. That's because text marketing can be as much a money-saver as it is a money-maker.

Here are a few reasons why SMS text mobile marketing is vital to your business or organization.

1. You Can Reach More People Than With ANY Other Method

Did you know...
  • 6% of Americans have a Twitter account
  • 33% of Americans have a Facebook account (more than 50% of males do NOT check their Facebook daily)
  • 37% of Americans actively use email
  • 92% of Americans have a cell phone (98% of which have SMS enabled handsets!)

In fact, believe it or not there are 2.5 times as many users of "texting" than email. But that's not even the most important point. You see, 33% of email addresses change on a yearly basis. Your email database gets more and more outdated with each passing day. But with phone number portability and the popularity of mobile phones, people are ditching their home phones and keeping their cell phones for life. That means your contact database will continue to grow - and almost never get old!

2. More of the People Who Receive Your Message Will Actually Read It!
  • With text marketing your SMS reminders, notifications, or coupons are received at the exact time your customers need to see them-and often at the precise time they are making a buying decision.
  • Consider this incredible fact: 95% of all text messages are read within 5 minutes of delivery, with an overall read-rate of 97%!
  • Compared with other forms of marketing and communication, mobile is the clear winner...

3. More of the People Who Read Your Message Will Actually Take Action

Reaching more people wouldn't mean much if it didn't have any effect on their actions. But perhaps the best news of all regarding text marketing is that it actually does drive behavior. According to research done by the Direct Marketing Association, 70% of recipients react to SMS (text) marketing messages, compared to just 20% for email. And the same study shows that up to 30% of users redeem mobile offers, compared to 5% for email.

Consider this...
  • 94% of consumers who receive a mobile marketing offer recall the specific call-to-action (Hip Cricket Research)
  • 15% of consumers admit to increasing what they spent toward a specific brand based on mobile marketing (eMarketer)
  • User response to a mobile ad is often 10 times higher than a computer/email offer (Quantcast Data)
  • 33% of Americans acknowledged using a mobile coupon received via text marketing within the past month (eMarketer)

In fact, according to ABI Research, the average ROI with mobile marketing is $10 for every $1 spent!

4. Your Customers and Members Actually Want to Hear from You

The most valuable piece of your business is not your building or your computers or some specialized piece of equipment. It is your customer database.

Text marketing allows you to build and nurture your customer database so that they will have more loyalty to you and ultimately do business with you more often. And the best part is, they WANT to hear from you more often. DMA research shows that the vast majority of consumers not only want to receive special offers and information by text, but that they wish more businesses and organizations offered this option! Likewise, Nielsen Mobile discovered that 70% of consumers they surveyed are happy to receive promotional information via text message.

The true power of mobile marketing is that your customers are "opting in" to receive your information. By texting your keyword to your shortcode they are telling you they want to hear from you. There is no better way to build an ongoing (and profitable) relationship with your most valuable asset-your customer.

5. Text Marketing Will Save You Time and Money

If you are a for-profit business, there is no denying that text marketing can increase your sales. But even if you are not trying to sell anything, Text marketing can help your bottom line.

Text marketing can replace many costly and time-consuming tasks for much, much less. Paying employees to call your entire list when you have to cancel an event or a game? Text marketing can do the job a whole lot better, faster and cheaper. Mailing postcards and placing ads to promote a concert or meeting? Text marketing will get the message across instantly at the touch of a button. And because people read their texts, you'll reach a greater percentage of your audience with your information! You can even include a direct link to a phone number, email address or web site so that recipients can contact you instantly.

There's never been a win-win quite like SMS text marketing. And for less than $2/day you can put this powerful tool to work for you immediately. In just 5 minutes you can be up and running with your own account and custom keyword.

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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Promotional Gifts: The Best Way To Market Your Business

See title
See title (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There are many businesses offering related goods and services in the marketplace. Levels of competition has developed tremendously making it tougher for these firms to attract and preserve client. It's hard to improve a company's position and reputation by using its own services and products alone. Marketing has been one of several techniques, and Promotional goods are widely used tools to bring in more people artistically and properly.

Promotional gifts allow many companies to advertise their goods and services beyond standard billboards and TV advertisements, and through more cost-effective means. These things can be found in many types, such as pencils and pens, coffee mugs, notepads, caps, desks, lanyards, and customized calendar. Other forms of marketing include flyers, business cards, and brochures; nevertheless, this regular method only allures a few people nowadays.

Promotional products give organizations the possibilities to market themselves locally and globally. Unlike flyers of brochures, individuals are more likely to keep promotional products for their own use. Despite these products being practical tools for marketing, many organizations use them inefficiently, causing a not favourable impression in the market and waste of cash for the business.
Here are some suggestions on how to successfully utilize promotional products:

Give Folks Items that are Helpful

Trade shows are probably the finest approaches to hand out promotional products, nevertheless, some organizations give away worthless things that individuals will never utilize. This doesn't only show an unproductive approach of marketing but a total waste of components as well.

Best promotional items are the types that individuals could utilize each day. Several examples are pencils, pens, notepads, sticky notes, mugs, and also customized calendar. These things are practical necessities individuals could use in school or in the business office each day. They're also really cheap allowing you to purchase much more in quantity. The more things for your business to market, the bigger the target market you could obtain. If your firm has the funds, go for great items like USB flash drives and other small gizmos.

Quality over Quantity

Keep in mind that quality is definitely much better than quantity. Purchasing poor pens that simply clog just before they run out are inadequate manifestations of your business. These things need to project your business in a positive method. A negative impression on your goods will have a not favorable impact on your business. Do not buy very costly goods either. Find cheap things that are tough and useful.

Design Your Goods Properly

Your brand name on promotional products should be structured and suitable. It's not reasonable to match logos or company information on things that are too small. Calendars tend to be fantastic promotional items where you could integrate most of your business details instead of forcing them on a small pen. Your logo design and business details should also be obvious so your customers could see them.

There are many organizations offering Promotional goods on and off the net. Locate reliable organizations that will help your marketing endeavours successfully.

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mobile Advertising: Supercharge Your Brand in the Exploding Wireless Market Review

Cover of "Mobile Advertising: Supercharge...
Cover via Amazon
Chetan Sharma, Joe Herzog and Victor Melfi have provided a comprehensive analysis of the growing field of mobile marketing and advertising--deftly illuminating the refinement of advertising arts from persuading the customer to now engaging the customer wherever, whenever, and whatever they may be doing via their mobile or wireless phone.

As an executive and consultant in the mobile marketing business, I especially liked their engaging tone and educational style which truly separates them from other books which spend too much time on the bits and bytes of mobile technology and fail to take on its complex commercial methods.

Mobile Advertising's extensive review of this developing and lucrative field will supercharge beginners understanding and even polish a professional's perspective.

Setting the stage with an evolution of the advertising business and how its convergence with mobile technology will transform marketing, they take the reader from baby steps to the most current uses and applications of mobile marketing including an entire chapter covering 20 case studies drawn from in-market company experiences around the world--well beyond the now 5 year old scenario of mobile coupon delivery as you walk past a Starbucks. That chapter is worth the cost of the book on its own if you want to learn about this business.

They demonstrate a full command of the complex ecosystem as reflected by their technical diagrams illuminating the magic of mobile, their illuminating business model analyses as well as comparative pricing methods and current levels for mobile advertising. These guys know all the buzz around mobile advertising and show the reader where the biz is. Very valuable for anyone interested in this new medium for mass advertising.

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