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Saturday, September 22, 2012

WordPress Blogging Tool for Small Business

WordPress (Photo credit: Adriano Gasparri)

Since leaving the corporate world, I have had many questions about what exactly I do. Questions arise every day, what is Word Press? What is Corporate Flunkie? What do you do as a blogger? What is affliliate marketing? What exactly do you do now? Well I am going to start with the first question and do my best to answer.

WordPress is a FREE web software that anyone can use to create and update a blog or even a web-site. You install the program on a web-server (or host account, such as Host Gator, which is what I use). Then with the user interface you can create pages, posts, write articles, upload images. Everything is managed from the administration panel that you have a user id and password too.

WordPress Functionality:
  • Create pages (ex: About Me, Contact Me, Shop, Latest Update)
  • Allows you to write your articles in chronological order, newest are always listed first.
  • Utilizing the Themes tool you can give your site personality with a design.
  • Visitors can leave comments to your articles or posts.
  • As the administrator you decide who/what comments you will allow.
  • You can create menus to make your site easier for visitors.
  • There are built in FREE Plugins that you can download which add extra functions to your site.
WordPress has been mistaken many times as a program utilized ONLY for blogging. This is not true. This misconception is because that is how it originated. However, today its users span a broad range from TechCrunch, to TED, CNN, and National Football League, NBC Sports to name a few. Companies from all over the globe are utilizing WordPress to update their websites. Over 350 million people view more than 2.5 billion pages each month. In addition, it hosts blogs written in over 120 languages. Below is a breakdown of the top 10 languages taken right from WordPress website.
  1. English 66%
  2. Spanish 8.7%
  3. Portuguese 6.5%
  4. Indonesian 3.5%
  5. Italian 2%
  6. German 1.8%
  7. French 1.4%
  8. Russian 1.1%
  9. Vietnamese 1.1%
  10. Swedish 1.0%
According to WordPress, as of 2011 over 100,000 new WordPresses are created everyday around the world. In addition, they show no signs of this slowing down. Publishers are using it to create all kinds of sites beyond blogs - news sites, company sites, magazines, social networks, sports sites, and more. Their showcase contains many interesting examples.

Top 5 reasons to use WordPress:
  • SEO-they offer many SEO benefits FREE of charge.
  • Content-you easily create and edit pages using a simple text editor, NO HTML to learn.
  • Extensions-FREE design themes, contact forms and cool features without hiring a web designer.
  • Support-Thousands of web developers found on Google to assist you with any issues.
  • One-Click Installation-many web hosting providers utilize the quick install system including HostGator and others.
Many have made comparisons of Facebook to WordPress and even going as far to state that it may be on its way to being the next Facebook. I'm not so sure that I agree with that and here's why. WordPress has an appeal to those who want to create a strong presence online. But not everyone has the desire to do this.

Blogging offers a way for individuals to have their "own place" online, if you will. Many of those using Facebook do so for social networking and promoting their own sites. In addition, Facebook has made their software so user friendly that the average person with very little knowledge of computers can utilize it. With WordPress it takes a certain level of skill to navigate the software as well as focus, to post blogs frequently.

Overall, WordPress is a user friendly blogging/website software to use. Not to mention a powerful tool for online business. As with any software it has some technical tasks that could be worked through but it's totally FREE and with that price, one can't find too much to complain about!

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