Thursday, October 4, 2012

The New Rules of Marketing & PR: How to Use Social Media, Online Video, Mobile Applications, Blogs, News Releases, and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly Review

Cover of "The New Rules of Marketing and ...
Cover via Amazon
I've read the other two versions of Real Time Marketing & PR and it's a book I constantly reference and refer to executives looking to find a practical way to understand the benefits of participating effectively in a new media world. I've also found that social media and new media practitioners can find value in reading the book as a guide to building a thorough understanding of effective online marketing and PR that goes well beyond Facebook and Twitter.

This Third Edition, which has completely updated case studies and examples also includes a much needed Marketing and PR Strategy Plan template designed to help people get started in a step-by-step approach to social media. There's a great new chapter on measuring your success in the new media space and highlights some practical ways to start measuring your ROI. I particularly enjoyed a section entitled "The Power of Free." - Read it, it's worth the price of the book.

Finally, David Meerman Scott's new edition includes a whole new section on Mobile Marketing that covers everything from GeoLocation to Mobile Apps and Mobile Newsrooms. You'll really like his fun new concept of Cyber Graffiti.

In short, a book that's sold over 250,000 copies and set many of the Fortune 1000 company's social strategies in motion can't be ignored. You'll really enjoy the Third Edition - even if you've read the first two.

If you know what you're doing in the social space... buy a copy for your executive team. They'll immediately embrace your activities and start championing your efforts in the new media world.

In short, you can't publish a book called The New Rules of Marketing and PR in an internet age unless it's updated to still be 'New.' David's done exactly that and it's worth the read!

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Mobile Advertising: Supercharge Your Brand in the Exploding Wireless Market Review

Cover of "Mobile Advertising: Supercharge...
Cover via Amazon
Chetan Sharma, Joe Herzog and Victor Melfi have provided a comprehensive analysis of the growing field of mobile marketing and advertising--deftly illuminating the refinement of advertising arts from persuading the customer to now engaging the customer wherever, whenever, and whatever they may be doing via their mobile or wireless phone.

As an executive and consultant in the mobile marketing business, I especially liked their engaging tone and educational style which truly separates them from other books which spend too much time on the bits and bytes of mobile technology and fail to take on its complex commercial methods.

Mobile Advertising's extensive review of this developing and lucrative field will supercharge beginners understanding and even polish a professional's perspective.

Setting the stage with an evolution of the advertising business and how its convergence with mobile technology will transform marketing, they take the reader from baby steps to the most current uses and applications of mobile marketing including an entire chapter covering 20 case studies drawn from in-market company experiences around the world--well beyond the now 5 year old scenario of mobile coupon delivery as you walk past a Starbucks. That chapter is worth the cost of the book on its own if you want to learn about this business.

They demonstrate a full command of the complex ecosystem as reflected by their technical diagrams illuminating the magic of mobile, their illuminating business model analyses as well as comparative pricing methods and current levels for mobile advertising. These guys know all the buzz around mobile advertising and show the reader where the biz is. Very valuable for anyone interested in this new medium for mass advertising.

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords: How to Access 100 Million People in 10 Minutes

Cover of "Ultimate Guide to Google AdWord...
Cover via Amazon

Late last week I posted a note on Perry Marshall's Facebook page letting him know what I got from a previous version of this book. He asked me to share here. I don't normally post Amazon reviews, but based on what this book has been worth to me over the past few years, I thought it would only be right to make an exception.

I had the first edition of the Ultimate Guide To Google AdWords at a previous job. When I took over their AdWords, we were spending about $30k a month to get $30k a month in sales. Using many of the techniques outlined in this book, I was able to drop the spending to around $10k - $15k per month. Sales went up, ranging between $30k and $45k per month. The spread there, from a little investment in this book, was as much as $30-$35k per month in profits. And I really just scratched the surface in what I implemented out of the book. Sure, it wasn't all this book (the FTC wants you to know this). I did a lot of work to make it happen. And I was studying a lot of marketing stuff at the time (still do, all the time). But the specific techniques in this book played a huge part in the increased profits. Granted, that wasn't all my money, but it did help me more than double my personal compensation over about 5 years in that job.

I've also used the techniques from Perry's book in my own projects. The numbers are smaller, but I consistently get a 2- or 3-to-1 return on advertising investment in AdWords. Without the info I got from Perry and Bryan in this book, it'd probably be a lot smaller, even negative. I've set up campaigns years ago that still generate as much as a couple hundred in sales a month without any work on my part.

This is the best book on AdWords, period.

Not only that, it's a dang good book on Internet Marketing. If I had to tell someone to get one single book they could use as a manual for how to build an Internet Marketing strategy that would have a high probability of being profitable, I'd say buy this book. Because it covers it all -- it's not just AdWords. It's how to get traffic to your site, and how to convert them into buyers once they get there. Sure, it can't cover everything. But it does a great job in pointing you to where you need to go and what you need to go to generate profits from the internet.

That's why it's one of my most recommended books for internet related marketing education. Not just AdWords. And why I think just about anybody involved with selling things online needs a copy of this book.

It's why I've recommended it personally at least a dozen times, and why -- when I bought this latest edition for my bookshelf -- I bought the first of what could be many "giveaway" copies as well.

If you're reading this review, I bet it's because you're interested in the book but haven't bought yet.

Get off your duff. Buy the book. Amazon probably already has your billing and shipping addresses, plus your credit card number. Just hit "add to cart" and breeze right through the checkout process. Get it, and read it with a highlighter. Start putting what you learn to use immediately. You will not be disappointed.

I have no financial interest in making this recommendation -- I don't even know Perry personally (not yet, at least). But I firmly believe it is the right decision -- and that's why I'm putting my name to it in such a public forum. So what are you waiting for? :)

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Social Advertising: How Paid Media & Promotions Work on Facebook, Twitter and Google+

The days of expecting branded content or a campaign to "go viral" without paid media support are over. Thankfully, marketers can bolster their social media efforts with a variety of social ad units. The caveat is that there aren't many best practices or performance benchmarks to help guide the way. For example, Twitter's Promoted Trends can cost upwards of $120,000 per day ... is there a solid ROI? And is interest-based targeting on Facebook really more effective than targeting standard demographics? Join Social Marketing Master Adam Kmiec and a group of experts with hands-on experience creating, planning and executing successful ad campaigns across multiple social platforms. Come away with tips for managing budgets, targeting the right audience, and even strategies for tying consumer engagement with social ad units back to actual sales.

Key Takeaways: See real examples of well-performing ad campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Learn best practices that are unique to each social ad platform Understand how to optimize paid social media campaigns and track ROI.
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